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How To Post Vinyl Records? Your Step By Step Guide To Safe Vinyl Shipping

Packing vinyl records for shipping

Holly |

Packing a vinyl record securely for shipping is crucial to ensure it reaches its destination in pristine condition. You will need to use a strong mailer designed for records alongside cardboard stiffeners as well as ‘Do Not Bend’ or ‘Fragile’ stickers.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to properly pack a vinyl record:

Materials You'll Need:


  • Vinyl record mailer
  • Cardboard stiffeners (optional)
  • Polythene outer sleeve (optional)
  • Anti-static inner sleeve (optional)
  • Packing tape
  • A large marker or a printer

Step 1: Prepare the Record

Remove the vinyl record from its original outer sleeve – this is the best practice for shipping records to prevent seam splits to the original outer and inner sleeves.

Place the record inside a new, clean plain sleeve to protect it from dust and moisture. We would recommend making sure that the record is clean before doing this, to make sure the inner also stays clean!

Our favourite plain inner sleeves are Spincare’s Audiophile anti-static inners

Not sure how to clean your records?

A Vinyl Record in an anti-static inner sleeve
Anti-static inner sleeves are one of the best ways to keep your vinyl records protected during shipping and storage.
A vinyl record and sleeve being put inside a polythene outer sleeve
Polythene is one of the best materials to store your records in.

Step 2: Protect the Record Cover

Slide the record and the original sleeve into a clear plastic polythene sleeve to shield it from scuffs and wear during transit.

There is also the option then for the person receiving the vinyl to continue storing the record like this - these sleeves are great for records in transit as well as storage.

You can buy these from us…

Vinyl record stored in an inner sleeve and an outer polythene sleeve
We always store the record outside of its original sleeve for shipping.
Envelope style mailers from Lil Packaging
Envelope-style mailers are a great option for shipping records, but you might want to use a stiffener too.

Step 3: Prepare Your Mailer

We would recommend using a high-quality mailer such as mailers from Lil Packaging to package your records. In most cases, you then will not need to use any additional stiffeners and the packing process becomes far simpler.

The strongest mailers they sell are ‘CLP’ mailers, which wrap around the record in two directions, and you can also fit up to six albums in one.

You can buy these in smaller quantities from us over on eBay.

CLP mailers made by Lil Packaging
CLP mailers from Lil Packaging are the strongest on the market!
CLP mailers from Lil Packaging
​​These record mailers are designed so that they wrap around the record(s) in both directions.

Step 4: Pack the Mailer

So, now you’ve got the mailer ready, you need to put the record in it and seal it securely.

  1. Tear the flaps open and place the records inside. 
  2. Fold the flaps back over the records and fold the ‘cover’ across the records.
  3. Tear the seal strip off and seal the package up.

Here’s a video from Lil that takes you through exactly how this is done!

If you’re using a more standard ‘envelope’ style mailer, we would suggest adding a cardboard stiffener (or two) alongside the record – particularly if you’re shipping internationally or if you’re using weaker mailers.

A vinyl record being packed in a record mailer
Make sure to pack the record tightly inside the mailer, whether you're using a CLP or an envelope mailer.
Record stiffeners
They may look boring, but cardboard stiffeners are vital if you're shipping internationally or if you're using a weaker outer mailer.

Step 5: Check Your Handiwork

It is essential that this precious cargo has been packed safely and securely. If you’ve used a CLP mailer, is it folded tightly and neatly? Is the seal strip completely stuck down?

If you’ve used a regular envelope mailer – make sure that you’ve folded it neatly and that the seal strip is well stuck down. If your mailer doesn’t have a seal strip, make sure you’ve used plenty of tape to ensure it stays secure for its journey.

Removing the seal strip from the record mailer
Vinyl record mailers with built-in seal strips are great for speed and simplicity.
Sealing a record mailer tightly
It is essential that you fold the mailer over neatly to ensure an even and secure seal.

Step 6: Label and Address

Print off your label and stick it in the centre of your package or use a large marker to clearly label the box with the recipient's address and your return address. We would recommend printing labels because this prevents any doubt about spellings or names!

Sticking the label on the outside of the mailer
We always recommend shipping your records using a tracked service.
Please do not bend sticker on a record mailer
If your mailer is blank, you should consider adding ‘Do Not Bend’ or ‘Fragile’ stickers.

Step 7: Add Fragile or Do Not Bend Label

Now, if you’ve used a Lil Packaging mailer you don’t need to worry about this, but if your mailer is completely blank on the outside then you may want to consider adding some writing a sticker to let the courier know that the item is fragile.

You can buy ‘Do Not Bend’ or ‘Fragile’ stickers online, or you can also write this on yourself.

Lil mailers with
Lil mailers are great, because they already have Fragile printed on them!

Step 8: Shipping

Take your well-packaged vinyl record to the post office or a reliable courier service. Choose a shipping option that provides tracking and insurance for added security.

Remember that the key to safe shipping is adequate padding and ensuring the record cannot move within the package. Properly packing your vinyl record reduces the risk of damage during transit and ensures it arrives in the condition you intended.

If you’re in the UK, we would recommend shipping using Royal Mail Tracked 24 or 48 so that it will be tracked throughout the process. If the record is a bit more valuable (over £150), you could also use Special Delivery.

You can purchase labels from Royal Mail via Click & Drop, which might also give you an option for them to collect from your door and bring the label with them!

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